R.莎士比亞的名作,大家一定認識.記得的多數是1996年Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes演繹的版本.我第一次Romeo的時候都是看這部.後來,偶然地找到一個在1968年早年拍的一個劇本Romeo and Juliet之餘,也在網上曾經看過一些片段.在Radio上也曾經聽過一首金曲:What is a Youth?這曲跟電影真是正到沒有辦法形容.這歌由Nino Rota主唱. 大家可曾聽過.最近,在網上找到1968年的影片中唱這歌的一段片段.介紹給大家欣賞.至於本劇本我忘記在那裡找到,找到再告知大家. 以下是歌詞~ What is a Youth by Nino Rota What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a maid? Ice and desire. The world wags on A rose will bloom, it then will fade So does a youth. So does the fairest maid. Comes a time when one sweet smile Has its season for awhile Then Love in love with me Some may think only to marry. Others will tease and tarry. Mine is the very best parry, Cupid he rules us all. Caper the caper; sing me the song Death will come soon to hush us along Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall, Love is the pasttime that never will pall. Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall, Cupid he rules us all. (20 second flute interlude) A rose will bloom, it then will fade. So does a youth. So does the fairest maid. & lt;下載試聽

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