Eva Cassidy的Fields of Gold.我認識她於2002年,在長野縣看Michelle Kwan的冬季奧運會表演曲目,我聽過一次真是難以忘掉.當中滄桑清脆淡淡的歌聲. 十分的好桑子.後來,我在不知道什麼情況下,幸運地看到Eva Cassidy當時在Louge唱的Live show.更加震撼.至今4年了,我仍然很愛這曲跟Eva.雖然她已經去天國,我仍然懷念她的歌聲和善良的心. 這版本就是我當時在長野縣看的live show.至今仍然感到十分震撼. Fields of Gold by Michelle Kwan 另一是網友制作的.背景是"Brokeback Mountain",仍然精彩絕倫. 歌詞部份: Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy You'll remember me when the west wind moves Among the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold So she took her love for to gaze awhile Among the fields of barley In his arms she fell as her hair came down Among the fields of gold Will you stay with me will you be my love Among the fields of barley And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I've broken But I swear in the days still left We will walk in fields of gold We'll walk in fields of gold I never made promises lightly And there have been some that I've broken But I swear in the days still left We will walk in fields of gold We'll walk in fields of gold Many years have passed since those summer days Among the fields of barley See the children run as the sun goes down As you lie in fields of gold You'll remember me when the west wind moves Among the fields of barley You can tell the sun in his jealous sky When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold When we walked in fields of gold

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